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Modernizing the Principles of Antimonopoly Regulation as a Reflection of Modern Economic Trends

AbhandlungenIrina Knyazeva, Olga LukashenkoÖZK 2011, 226 Heft 6 v. 15.12.2011

As part of a research recently completed by the authors1)1)Knyazeva I., Luckashenko O. Transformation of Antimonopoly Policy into the Policy of Protection of Competition in Modern Economic Conditions : a monograph - Novosibirsk, Russia, 2011., theoretical studies and the present practice of enforcement and investigation of antimonopoly cases in the USA and the EC - that allow to identify several principal positions, on which the modern system of antimonopoly regulation is based, - were summarized. These principles will be described in the following article.

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