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Book Review Armin von Bogdandy/Peter Huber/Christoph Grabenwarter (eds), The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law III: Constitutional Adjudication: Institutions, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020, LXVI + 906 p, 195.00 £, ISBN 9780198726418

BuchbesprechungMadis Ernits**Judge Madis Ernits, PhD (Law), LL.M., Tartu Court of Appeal, Kalevi 1, 51010 Tartu, Estonia, <madis.ernits@kohus.ee >.ZÖR 2021, 1107 Heft 3 v. 15.10.2021

At the dawn of the century, a prediction was made: if the 19th century was a century of parliaments, and the 20th was a century of governments, then the 21st will be that of courts and judges.11 Georges Abi-Saab, Whither the Judicial Function? Concluding Remarks, in Laurence Boisson de Chazournes ea (eds), International organizations and international dispute settlement: trends and prospects (2002) 241 (242) with a reference to the presentation of professor Christian Dominicé; cf Karel Wellens, Fragmentation of international law and establishing an accountability regime for international organizations: The role of the judiciary in closing the gap, Michigan Journal of International Law 25 (2004) 1159 (1180 et seq). Whether this prediction comes true, remains to be seen. In the big picture, the volume at hand is another step towards the fulfillment of this prediction.

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