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The evolution of competition authorities’ networks and the future of cooperation between NCAs in Europe11The article forms a part of research financed by the National Science Centre, Poland in accordance with grant agreement No UMO-2016/23/B/HS5/03605.

AbhandlungenMateusz Błachucki22Assistant Professor at the Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences.ÖZK 2018, 119 Heft 4 v. 1.9.2018

National competition authorities (NCAs) cooperate intensively on international level. One of the most important mean of international cooperation of NCAs are networks. The most notable examples are International Competition Network or European Competition Network. The article presents the concept of the competition authorities’ networks, together with a classification of the basic forms of those networks. It discusses differences and similarities between networks and the prospects for their development, with additional highlight of the European Competition Network in the context of the proposed Directive ECN+.

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