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The Austrian Constitutional Court after 100 Years: Remodelling the Model?

AufsätzeHarald Eberhard**Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Eberhard, Institute for Austrian and European Public Law, WU Vienna, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria, <harald.eberhard@wu.ac.at >. The author is very grateful to Sarah Werderitsch, LL.M. (WU), for her assistance.
This article continues and deepens thoughts and ideas, which are based especially on the following contribution: Harald Eberhard, Die Verfassung der Richter, in Peter Bußjäger ea (eds), 100 Jahre Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz. Verfassung und Verfassungswandel im nationalen und internationalen Kontext (2020) 79.
ZÖR 2021, 395 Heft 2 v. 25.6.2021

Abstract The establishment of the Constitutional Court more than 100 years ago was the beginning of the “Austrian model" of judicial review and marked a new era with the implementation of a centralized system. Throughout the years, this model underwent major and minor changes and continued to evolve. A number of players and developments lead to this dynamic process. This process depended not only on the development of powers or internal influence, but also on the external influence caused by Austria’s accession to the European Union and the impact on the Constitutional Court. Above all, the Constitutional Court itself, with its case law, was a major player in this dynamic transformation over the last decades. This all lead to the “Austrian model" in its current form, which has never been static and has thus become successful.

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