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Panta rhei - Greek reparation claims towards Germany do not exist anymore

AufsätzeChristian Richter**Dr. Christian Richter, Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Manteuffelstrasse 20, 22587 Hamburg, Deutschland.The author teaches Public International Law at the Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr (Hamburg) and Constitutional Law at the University of Hamburg. This article represents personal opinions of the author only.ZÖR 2019, 289 Heft 2 v. 1.6.2019

Abstract Now free of its debt crisis rescue package, Greece again seeks reparation payments from Germany. In the context of the international discussions over Greece’s debts in 2015 the Greek Prime Minister assigned already once before a committee to address the issue of making new demands for billions World War II reparation payments from Germany. This article argues that reparation claims are excluded because of several reasons as the Final Settlement with respect to Germany (1990), the limitation of claim, the principle of estoppel and potentially the clausula rebus sic stantibus. Greece’s claims for reparation are legally not justified.

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