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Recent Austrian practice in the field of European Union law

AufsatzAndreas J. Kumin , Tünde Fülöp , Maximilian Gorke , Sebastian Schneider , Nicolas Wimberger**The following co-authors of this contribution are all members of the Department for European Law of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs: Univ.-Prof. Ges. Mag. Dr. Andreas J. Kumin, Head of Department, < andreas.kumin@bmeia.gv.at >; Ges. Mag. Tünde Fülöp, Head of Section/Leiterin Referat I.4.a. – Rechtsfragen der Institutionen der Europäischen Union, < tuende.fueloep@bmeia.gv.at >; Mag. Maximilian Gorke, BA, < maximilian.gorke@bmeia.gv.at >; Sebastian Schneider, LL.M. (WU), < sebastian.schneider@bmeia.gv.at >; Attaché Mag. Nicolas Wimberger, < nicolas.wimberger@bmeia.gv.at >; all: Abteilung I.4 – Europarecht, Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres, Minoritenplatz 8, 1010 Vienna, Austria, < abti4@bmeia.gv.at >.ZÖR 2017, 603 Heft 3 v. 1.9.2017

Abstract This sixth report prepared by our European Law Department of the Legal Service of the Austrian Foreign Ministry (‘Office of the Legal Adviser’, ‘Völkerrechtsbüro’) covers some of the main developments in European Union Law during 2016 that we have been accompanying from the perspective of an actively implied institutional

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