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Deutschland: Neue Option zur Körperschaftsteuer für Personengesellschaften („Check the Box“)

SteuerrechtAufsatzDaniel Blöchle, Klaus Dumser, Erich SchafferSWI 2021, 527 - 536 Heft 10 v. 1.10.2021

In June 2021, the German legislature introduced the law for the modernization of corporate income taxation (“KoMöG") into German national law. The most significant feature of these new regulations is an option for certain specific partnerships to be taxed like corporations under the rules of the German Corporate Income Tax Act (“check the box"). Daniel Blöchle, Klaus Dumser, and Erich Schaffer outline the main aspects of this new check-the-box regime for partnerships and provide an overview of potential consequences that should be considered from an Austrian tax perspective in German-Austrian cross-border scenarios.

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