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EuGH bestätigt Anspruch auf Verzugszinsen bei verspätet erstatteten Vorsteuerguthaben

SteuerrechtAufsatzThomas KühbacherSWI 2020, 550 - 556 Heft 10 v. 1.10.2020

Under the current legal situation, the Austrian Federal Fiscal Code (Bundesabgabenordnung; BAO) provides default interest only in case of a delayed refund of income tax or corporate income tax but not in case of a delayed refund of an overpaid VAT. However, a closer examination of the previous case-law of the CJEU indicates that such a claim exists derived from EU law. Recently, the CJEU has further clarified its legal position with regard to the necessary interest rate and a legal claim to compound interest.

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