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Rethinking Competition Law for the Digital Economy

AbhandlungenTheodor Thanner11This is the manuscript of the Keynote Lecture held at the XXXth CLaSF Workshop Antitrust at the Intersection of Law and Economics at the Karl-Franzens-University, Graz on April 19th 2018. I have to thank Mag. Anton Hartl, BWB for his support when preparing this Keynote Lecture.ÖZK 2018, 79 Heft 3 v. 1.7.2018

The Author pleads for rethinking Competition Law for the digital economy and for a better and new use of the existing competition rules. New market definitions and a broad view of antitrust and merger cases are necessary. Privacy and data security are elements also to look at.

Descriptors: Competition Law, Digital Economy, Antitrust Law, two-sided Markets, Google, Facebook, Merger, Algorithm

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