Descriptors: Internal liability; fine; single economic entity; undertaking.
Norms: Art 101 TFEU, Art 102 TFEU, Art 23 Reg 1/2003
I. Introduction
Pursuant to Art 23 (2) (a) Reg 1/20032 the Commission may impose a fine on undertakings which are found to have intentionally or negligently infringed Arts 101 or 102 TFEU. According to the case law, the concept of an “undertaking participating in an infringement" used in the second subparagraph of Art 23 (2) Reg 1/2003 is the same as for the application of Art 101 TFEU.3 With regard to Art 101 TFEU, the ECJ has consistently held that the notion of an undertaking must be understood as referring to an economic entity, even if it consists of several distinct persons, natural or legal.4 The fact that a parent company and its subsidiary constitute a single undertaking within the meaning of Art 101 TFEU enables the Commission to address a decision imposing fines to the parent company, without having to establish the personal involvement of the latter in the infringement.5 Those companies forming a single economic entity and therefore an undertaking are then jointly and severally liable for the payment of the fine.6